02 February 2023


Laziness is a problem that affects every single person around the world, so we decided to give our opinion on its consequences and how to surpass it.


It seems clear to us that laziness is a serious problem, with many consequences that can have a major impact on our lives. For most people, being lazy is normal and harmless, but when it becomes an engrained routine it can become something much more dangerous.

Usually, being lazy makes us feel good, like when we put off a task and feel a sense of pleasure and relief, even carefreeness. This can offer us time to rest, relax, reflect and even help improve our creativity. It can help us prioritise tasks and focus on what is important, as we want to have time to be lazy. So despite the temporary benefits, it can become a bad habit, with academic implications and even mental issues, such as acquiring anxiety problems from constantly delivering assignments on the edge of the deadline or even outside it.  

We consider that being lazy is a bad thing, because if we constantly miss our appointments, over time it reduces our self-esteem, provokes lack of motivation and unwillingness to take on new responsibilities. In the long run, it can lead to a lack of success in life.

Despite all these consequences of laziness, perhaps, in our opinion, the worst is that it takes away our value as individuals, because a person who has no discipline, and does nothing with their life, is a person without purpose. 

In conclusion, laziness can be beneficial if managed in a healthy way, and can help people prioritise the important tasks. It should be fought with self-discipline and effective management of our time, because if managed wrongly, it can cause you a lot of problems. Be disciplined.



MindCast #2